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Elizabeth May wins Green Party of Canada Leadership
Congratulations Elizabeth May! OTTAWA - Elizabeth May is the new leader of the Green Party of Canada. She won the nomination against 5...
Courtenay Canada Day Celebrations
The Green Party of Canada participated in this event by providing a public information booth at Lewis Park. Members from the North...
Union Bay Town Hall - Shipbreaking - Sunday May 29, 2022 - 1:00 - 3:00 pm
Concerned Citizens of Union Bay (CCOBS) is hosting a town hall to raise awareness of the hazards of shipbreaking that is currently...
Shipbreaking risks fouling the shores of Union Bay, BC
Shipbreaking, one of the world’s dirtiest and most dangerous industries, risks fouling the shores of Union Bay, BC, on the east coast of...
Old growth hunger strikers
*Update* B.C. man hospitalized on 24th day of hunger strike to protest old-growth logging read more... John Horgan's NDP government rolls...
Nuchatlaht take fight for heavily logged territory to B.C. Supreme Court
Extensive industrial clearcutting destroyed salmon streams on an island the B.C. government says the Nuchatlaht ‘abandoned.’ Now the...
Winner Announcement
Courtenay-Alberni Greens Essay Contest Topic: Â If I could change the way we elect people in Canada (<500 words) Details ...
B.C.'s 'cascading' climate emergencies underscore new UN report's call for urgent emissions cuts
Thick smoke fills the air and nearly blocks out the sun as a property destroyed by the White Rock Lake wildfire is seen in Monte Lake,...
Meet the Climate Crisis - up close and personal
Letter: Farmers are on the frontlines of the climate crisis, and our frontlines are breaking
Reminder - please register for the Courtenay Alberni Green Party Annual General (zoom) Meeting
Mark the date - Sunday February 20, at 2:00 PM You will need to first contact us and receive an invite link to register so please act...
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